
A. Angel

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Библиотечка форума

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* An Angel's Smile *

( The Album "Nothing Contrived").

She saw him come
Toward her down the street.
A black labeled T-shirt,
Jeanes the colour of sky,
His golden-red hair blown in the wind,
He was walking along with an airy stride.

Passing by her,
Keeping his pace,
He suddenly flashed a smile in her face,
Slyly screwing up his eyes,
As if inviting her to fly.

And she felt like that cat
Walking through the intangible walls -
- To Unknown!

She could not let him slide
Through her hands like the water
He'd walked on in her last dream at dawn!
And she wanted to follow him out of all
She had ever known!

Two oneway tickets to Heaven,
The mystical travel that's shorter
Than count from Zero to Seven.
They'll walk in the glimmer that
Twinkles and shines from the heart
Of a different Sun!

They'll see it is fun to forget
What it feels like to live as seashells
On a shore without a sea, as they
Make their souls two stars in the sky
With the light of a different Sun!

Two oneway tickets to Heaven,
The mystical travel that's shorter
Than count from Zero to Seven.
They'll walk in the glimmer
That twinkles and shines from
The heart of different Sun!

(c) Lyrics by Damon Starlight.

Отредактировано Starlight (2008-07-12 19:09:16)



* A LETTER TO ANGEL * - лучшее что здесь представлено! Однозначно поэтично.  Вот такую песню я бы слушал и слушал в своём плеере без конца. Я потрясён! Ты превзошёл самого себя и многих здесь! Если позволишь я скопирую это себе(конечно со ссылкой на твоё авторство). Без сомнения лично для меня это шедевр! ИМХО.



Da kopiruy, konechno, esli eto tebe ponravilos' :))))



* One Breath Away From Door To Heaven *

(The Album "Nothing Contrived").

When The Bringer of daylight
Rode His white steed into sunset,
In the heat of summer night,
In the cloak of dark-blue velvet
Magic walked on silent feet driving off
My wild wish to wash this world between my fingers.

The band of shadows of my thoughts of you,
Translating music of my heart into your dreams,
Cut their fingers on the Moonlight strings.
With their blood I wrote this song
On desert sand one breath away from door to Heaven.

Whose heart it's going to burn,
Whose soul it's going to sting
Before it's swept away by the Dark Angel's wings
Whose name will outlast the Heaven?

This melody of love can't be replayed -
- We've lost the master tape,
The band has left the town,
The magic tune, gone with the wind,
Has faded down one breath away from door to Heaven.

Summer holds the door for Autumn.
And looking through the skeins of the rain,
As fine as an angel's hair, I'm listning to the
Rueful song that Grey and Yellow make at my heart's bottom.

So love'gone living nothing behind -
- Nothing worthy of candles!
Nothing worthy of lights!
Nothing worthy of burning midnight oil at nights!

One day your thoughts of me will turn
Into a small flock of grey sparrows.
A flap of wings, and they are gone!
Just tiny dots against the sky!

You'll never know I might have died
To be your lucky star in days of sorrows!

(c) Lyrics by Damon Starlight.

Отредактировано Starlight (2008-07-12 19:10:56)



Миг X
Окна в решётку, холодные стены,
Жизнь без тебя так спокойна, нетленна.
Тихий размеренный времени шаг,
Пройдёт сквозь пространство назад.

Вернётся, забудет, что было тогда,
Останемся здесь только ты и я.
Блеск серых глаз, и мягкие руки,
Жаркое тело, мечты, и... Разлука.

Вновь наважденье, ждёшь приказа,
Окна, машины, газ до отказа.
Камень случайный, разбито колено,
Визг тормозов, и... Холодная встреча.

Крики, рыданья, в ответ - тишина.
Время назад не пойдёт никогда.

Окна в решётку, холодные стены,
Жизнь без тебя так спокойна, нетленна.
Быстрый, размеренный времени шаг,
Только вперёд. И больше никак.

Возможно вам понравится, только сильно не серчайте ;)


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